Now in the process of getting a price quote for starbord doors from Boat Outfitters, got their color samples and found the upper left one to be a good color match for the 2001 plain vanilla color in my galley.
(They call it SF for Sea Foam)
Did my measurements in centi meters, then converted to decimal inches, then fraction inches
Begged them to ask the engineering department to work with me in milli meters instead, more accurate, less room for error from converting stuff.
Got very little room above for lip before it hits the teak trim.
Soon as I finished the measuring and figured out the correct color, they close for the holidays and won’t open until January 4th.
Long drawn out project, stay tuned.
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2001 28TE, 6LP-STE, 1,337 hrs, 19X18 four-blade wheel.