Carl wrote:Just ordered the Rydlyme to do the flush as soon as I have a weekend off. Cruise temp was starting to stay around 180 and would creep higher at WOT. My only question is the 50/50 mix. If I flush system first with fresh water to check for leaks this will leave fresh water within the system. So do I simply add straight product to the bucket and start the pump? Or do I add some water, and if so how much? I purchased 2 gallons for the Yan 6LPSTP.
After you run fresh water through the cooling loop pull all the zincs and let the coolers drain down. that will get rid of a lot of the water in the loop. Put the zincs cap back in. Then you will be pulling the hose at the raw water pump and the hose to the mixing elbow to make your circulation loop connections. Pulling those 2 hoses will drain some more water. Therefore, I would just mix up the 50/50 and do not worry about what little water may be left in the raw water loop. Be sure to pull the pisser hose off that cools the shaft seal and cap that off. A bolt in a short piece of hose is a simple cap-off method. You can see it in this pic.