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Let's say goodbye to 2009

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Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by Mariner »

I don't know about you guys, but I am SO ready for this year to be over. Perhaps this will be a fun exercise. Tell us about the high points and the low points of your 2009. And then about the things you're looking forward to in 2010.

Mariner's Low Points:
-Employer blocks access to http://www.albinowners.net via the company network
-Employer coincidentally then begins slow decline into managerial disaster making it impossible for commission based sales people (like me) to make money. Eventually forcing me to quit in October.
-Hardly any overnight boating aboard Nordvika
-Developed carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists making simple tasks like turning a screwdriver nearly impossible

Mariner's High Points:
-Found employment with a new company that seems to be a lot better....for now
-Several successful fishing and crabbing trips
-Bought a foreclosure for a fraction of it's value, and rehabilitated it into a comfortalbe house for myself and the fiance'.
-Enjoyed another year on this planet with some of the best family and friends in the world.

Mariner's looking forward to:
-The wedding
-Two weeks in the Gulf Islands and Desolation Sound on Nordvika.
-Learning to shrimp and fish for Halibut.

Happy New Year AOG!
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by Veebyes2 »

Good ridence to 2009 here too.

Another year of our Abin 32 sitting on the hard. Fortunately it is on my property so it does not incure storage fees.

We lost our 5th wheel trailer at WY I80 MM256 to a blowover. We were on our way to the pacific NW & really looking forward to a boat ride with Mariner. The good news is that I managed to keep our truck upright & on the hwy shoulder & not get carried down the 50' embankment with the trailer. We are lucky to be alive. A big plus. Everyone from responding WY state trooper to dealer that we bought the replacement trailer a month later treated us well.

Mariner, Gig Harbour is on our itinerary this year. We will NOT be passing through WY this time.

Recession has hit us too, like about everyone. With the downturn real estate rentals have taken a bit of a tumble. The good news is that we are better off than many & as long as we don't splurge too much we can continue with our travels this year. Daily expenses on the road in the US are about the same as staying put in Bermuda.

The best thing is that everyone in the family was reasonably healthy in 2009. Hoping that will continue for 2010.
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by jcollins »

time to reflect...

We lost some very good friends and close family last year. As we grow older we accept death from age. We reflect that he had a good life and it's time to move on. We also lost a good friend to a hit and run bike accident.
We also welcomed into this world another great-niece. That makes 3 or 4. I lost count. :lol:

My business is actually up for the year. But that increase was pretty much offset by the increases in taxes, fees, insurance, etc.

We didn't do many overnights on the boat last summer and miss that. Our rendezvous weekends were the greatest. We laughed, made new friends, and truly enjoyed ourselves. After 14 years at our "shore shack" we are adapting to marina life and truly enjoying it.

I am healthy. Still trying to quit smoking. Sharon is feeling very good. She hurt her back in a car accident in 2005. In October she tried another cortizone shot and her daily pain numbers of 9-10 dropped to ZERO. We are hoping the shots last at least six months.

Already anxious for spring. More trips/overnights on the boat are already being planned. This year we are committed to a cruise to Cape May and Ocean City, MD.
AOG membership is growing close to 1000 and we should surpass that by the end of the year.

Lastly, after 3 years of trying, we WILL hook up with VeeByes. :lol:
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by powerboater56 »

2009 actually not bad for us

Finally bought Albin cruising boat, happily at a great price due to repossession. Wife and I had wonderful month-long cruise bringing OTTER back to RI from Michigan. OTTER proved to be comfortable, sea kindly and had no major problems at all.

On the downside, looking for part-time to help with semi-retirement status was notably unsuccessful for most of the year. Finally picked up a little tax work through April. Also efforts to sell our 5 BR house and downsize now that the kids have upped and gone went nowhere. Happily we are not in must sell situation and can ride out the dismal market.

Working toward good new changes this year -- perhaps teaming up with offspring on an exciting business, maybe sell the house and rent while we ponder all kinds of next-stage options, hopefully go on several great cruises on OTTER. Some good things on the horizon, although I fret about the reeling economy and scary global threats.

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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by chiefrcd »

2009 was a tough year for us as well. We're hoping 2010 will see a better economy and a safer world.

In 2009 we also lost some dear friends and my Dad who lived with us for a year. Those were some rough days.

Also after two long years we close our store in Deltaville and moved our business onto the web. We've worked really hard for three months with a web designer and we just went live
last week. Now the hard part comes, getting the word out.

You can find us at http://www.easylivingpatiofurniture.com if you are ever in need of patio furniture, nautical gifts and art work.

On the positive side of 2009 our son graduated from UVA and is now teaching at the American School in Kinshasa, Congo where he loves his job and the adventure. He's traveling to many ( hopefully ) safe places in Africa. We're sort of living vicariously through him as I'm sure I can't get the Albin that far. Which brings me to 2010.

We're hoping now that the store is closed and we're pet/family free at home, we can do some traveling around the Bay and maybe even venture down the inter-coastal waterway a bit. This will be the first time in two years we've been able to use the boat for more than a few hours at a time.

Lets all hope that 2010 is a good year. Everyone stay safe and happy and we'll see you in Solomon's Island if all goes as planned.
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by special k »

ahhh yes, goodbye 2009. not too bad a year for my family. married off my second daughter ( one more to go), acquired a nice 2002 albin 28, and enjoyed reasonably good health. personal economics could be better but it always seems that way.

nautically, in 2010, we hope to spend a good many days aboard "special k" weekending @ block island high on our list since we have been without a boat with any creature comforts since the three daughters came of college age. also hope to be back to one boat ownership when the 23 hydra-sport sells. nice fishing/overnighter with trailer if anyone knows anyone. :wink:

personally for the upcoming year a little uptic in my remodeling business would be nice and a job for my son-in-law. continued good health and few tears are hoped for.

cheers! mick
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by Denis »

As with most people, my wife and I are glad to see 09 fade off into the sunset. It seems that with the economy and the tension around the world, it puts stress on your lives every day. I want to be happier in my next thirty years and I will work on that. I lost my Dad and my beautiful Labrador Retriever last year, That leaves two very big holes in our lives. But on a more positive note, the circle of life continues and my son and his wife added a beautiful boy to their lives and gave us our first grandchild, It doesn't get much better than that.
We only put three hours on our boat all of last year and for the first time in over twenty years we did not sleep on it even once. We didn't get to see the sunset or sunrise while on the hook, which is something I look forward to all year. We are hoping to get back to that this summer. On a high note, we bought a water front home last year. It needs extensive remodeling which I am about half way through, before we can move into, but the access to the water and the view is something that I dreamed of all my life. Last summer, I had very little work so the blessing in disguise was that I had time to work on our new house. I am busy at work again so the remodel is taking a back seat. I'm not sure what I want more, to be busy at work or time to work on my house. :?

I for one am glad that this is a new year, I don't want to wish the time away but I look forward to the coming year.
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by jleonard »

Actually I have to say that 2009 was a pretty good year for us all in all.
It began with a free trip to Aruba for a week early Feb thanks to my son and all the volume he does with Carquest auto parts. It was a Xmass gift to my wife becuase she worked there.
Business got slow where I work, but that was GOOD for me. I was able to take that week off as a "donation" to help the copany, then I had to take a week at the end of May and 4th of July week as a furlough. Worked for me because it didn't count for vacation!
Wife got a new job in May that doesn't have the stress of working for her son and she likes it. Bonus!
The summer weather sucked, but the boat ran MINT all year and we still got somewhere almost every weekend in spite of it all.
I even got some deck re caulked and I was pleasantly surprised that the job wasn't as bad as I had read.
More furlough time Thanksgiving week, but that was awsum as we had kitchen countertops installed that week and I was home to finish the kitchen..sinks, plumbing, backspalsh, yada,yada. Never did tile backsplash before so I impressed myself. :roll:
Early Dec started bad as our tarp got windblown and we spent hours chipping ice and throwing chunks overboard. Had to cut the tarp to get it off. No damage though. Ended up paying for shrink wrap so now it's fine.
Santa was great to everyone...even yours truely in spite of the fact that many time during the year He acted like a total a$$ several times but aparently was forgiven :D
Even got a small end of year "bonus" to partially make up for being layed off during the year. (I know it only justified huge corporate bonuses, but at least it was something).
Had a great new years eve with friends to end 09 and start 10.
Now looking forward to a good 2010 with plans to assemble an engine during the winter for a repower in the fall....and of course great boating (and hopefully a few more furlough weeks to stretch my boating time).
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Re: Let's say goodbye to 2009

Post by Legacy »

Glad 2009 ended also! Everyone stayed healthy and I'm an uncle again. Didn't lose a client in my ad/marketing business but they all slashed their budgets so I had to let half my staff go and also take no salary. (Good thing the wife works!) Very little boating or fishing including missing the rendezvous. But the weather was kind of lousy all summer anyway! Hoping 2010 turns around professionally, so send any potential clients my way! Legacy is shrink wrapped on Boston Harbor awaiting Spring's early arrival! How's that for positive thinking! Take care all.

1998 Albin 35TE
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