I couldn't agree more with Chief. You know your with good people when you feel like you've known them for years. It was great meeting eveyone.
To this point in the thread no one has mentioned the lack of presence of Afterglow. Yup, no boat. Sharon and I headed out on time but when we made the turn south of Hart-Miller it built to 3' out of the north. Not too much for the boat or me but she just looked at me and said "I don't think I can take 5 hours of this". After being married 26 years I know when my bride has had enough. So we turned for home and drove down. We stayed at the Holiday Inn next to the marina. Every time I walked down that pier and saw the empty slip for Afterglow it did pinch my ego a little. But every one of our new friends understood and didn't rib me too much.
Here is the head count:
TimeOut - Annapolis: Mike, Beth, Skip, Ginger
Wye Dream - Dick, Phyllis
Mary B - Butch, Mary, Jack the dog
Sassafras - Rene, Chrissy (not members yet)
Southwind - Chief (a.k.a. Tiney, a.k.a. Max, a.k.a. Royal), Candy
Un-named new TE 31 - Joe Smith of Sassafras Harbor Marina (this boat is for sale)
Hole in the water where Afterglow should have been - John, Sharon
There is an old Chesapeake fisherman's saying that goes something like this:
When it's from the West, it's not the best
When it's from the South, take it in the mouth.
When it's from the East, it's the least
When it's from the North, go home.
I have some other things to tend to, but I will also post some pictures later.
Special thanks to Butch for pulling this together and providing information about bio-diesel, high and low sulpher, and pouring a great bloody mary.