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The Joy of Sharing an Albin CB 32+2

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The Joy of Sharing an Albin CB 32+2

Post by MeyrickP »

The Joy of Sharing a Boat
By MeyrickPayne@outlook.com, AOG Member

For the past eight years, we have shared our SYC Albin 32+2 Command Bridge, Ancora, with other SYC members. This arrangement has been a blessing. Let me explain why. There are two types of sharing.

Ownership Sharing: This involves registration, sales tax, insurance, and all things related to boat or vehicle ownership in Connecticut. This is a more permanent option where owner consensus is vital. Big decisions, such as buying a new tender or replacing air conditioning or an engine, involve negotiation among friends.

An innovative idea with ownership sharing is to think about how the arrangement might end. A possibility is what called a two-way option. Under this the partner who wants to sell names a price. The other partner can either sell or buy at that price. Then the selling partner can go ahead with a third-party sale or transfer ownership to the other partner. This two-way option prevents unrealistic pricing.

Operating and Expense Sharing: Partners share proportionately in the running and repair costs. We call this arrangement “Summer Shares.” This is a fine arrangement as it significantly improves boat usage, reduces running and maintenance costs, increases the number of eyes to watch over mooring lines and winter covers, eases provisioning, and induces winter and spring trip coordination. This was the choice we made with Ancora.

When I grew up in England, my family shared a sailboat, Matawa, for twenty years. This worked brilliantly because the two families trusted each other and were compatible with housekeeping and equipment, especially expensive electronics.

A wonderful benefit of sharing is the potential for longer voyages. For example, one family may leisurely sail to Woods Hole in Massachusetts while the second drives there. Then the partners switch, with one family sailing onward to the islands while the other drives home. On Matawa, every summer my family did this from England to France or Spain.

Sometimes a club cruise is too long or too far for two working spouses or sports-committed children. The share solution works well. Of course, the partners must like and trust each other. So sharing is not for everyone, but it has worked well for us.

However, like all good things, Ancora’s current sharing arrangement is ending. The partners have become over-committed for their age and stage. As a result, Ancora is for sale, which is listed in the For Sale section
Meyrick Payne
Albin 32+2
Stamford, CT
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