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Thoughts on Chartering?

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Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by Bryan3536 »

Hello All,

I have been lurking for a couple of years now, as I have had my eye on an Albin 27' (and, more recently, some of the larger trawlers) for years. The timing hasn't been right to get a boat until recently, but I face an additional obstacle in getting my wife on board (pun intended). My family always had boats when I was growing up, and I worked my way through high school and college on boats (an on-the-water ice cream business, a boat cleaning/maintainence business, and as a waiter/mate on a dinner cruise boat). My wife . . . well, not so much. She's likes the concept of owning a boat, but just isn't sure about it.

This got me to thinking about ways to give her a real-life feel for what it would be like to have a boat in our area (LI), which naturally lead me to chartering. In an ideal world, I would love to "borrow" someone's boat for 3-5 days and cruise around the LI Sound and/or Peconic with her. (In an even more ideal world, I would do this twice - first on a larger (32'-36') trawler with another couple who are in the identical situation as we are - having friends there would mean a better chance for fun and success - and a second trip by ourselves on an Albin 27' so we can "try-out" before we buy).

Which brings me to my questions for the group: has anyone done something like this? Conceptually, would any of you owners do this - loan your boat to a relative stranger for a couple of days (assuming you got to meet them, tested their knowledge, familiarized them with the boat, and ultimately felt comfortable with them)? What are some of the issues that would need to be resolved, i.e., insurance, some kind of agreement, etc.? Thoughts about a fair "donation" to the owner for this kind of thing? $300/day + fuel? More? Less?

I ask because I would think this sort of thing would happen relatively frequently, but I never hear/read talk of it, which makes me wonder whether there is some obvious reason why.

Oh, and if anyone is in on LI or on the LI Sound that wants to talk more concretely, shoot me an email @ bryan3536 @ gmail.com.

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Re: Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by Legacy »

I'm more than happy to take an Albin prospect, and perfect stranger, out for a couple of hours but not a chance I'd "loan" or rent Legacy to a stranger. Liability, damage, lost days on the water for myself, etc. Perhaps you approach a broker/dealer and ask about a short term rental. And if you buy the boat, apply the rental fee you paid to the purchase price. Haven't heard of anyone doing that. Good luck.
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Re: Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by furball »

I know there are several clubs in the Maryland / Virginia area that allow you to take the club boats out. There is one in Annapolis that has or had Albin 28's in fact. I believe that as a club member you can "reserve" any of the boats they have, nice way to try several styles without the buying commitment. Time share type of arrangement where someone else does the work and you pay to have fun.
Just for the record, not lending mine out. Can't imagine agreeing on a price that satisfied both of us.
Good luck though, fortunate kind of problem to have.
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Re: Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by jcollins »

Fractional ownership is popular in our area. It makes sense for alot of people. It would not be good to purchase a boat and find out that your wife is just not into it. I think that a large percentage of our wives, including my own, just don't share the love of the water. Don't get me wrong. There are a few perfect days/nights during the season that Sharon loves our boat. More since we bought the Albin. So, I understand your feeling about chartering or renting. But, finding a private owner to rent his boat is going to be tough. You may find a cash-strapped guy that is willing but the condition of the boat may not be the best considering him being cash-strapped.
Would I lend my boat? Nope. Over the year a few friends have hinted but I don't even consider it. I have one very experienced friend that I will let captain. I'll enjoy the ride as a passenger and never worry. He has never asked to borrow. Seems that the most experienced ones don't ask. They understand and know better.
Over the years I have had a few strangers approach me and ask for a ride. I feel them out and if they are willing to cover expense, off we go. My best ride story happened in the early 90s. We were tied up at the Inner Harbor. A woman approached me and asked if I would take her 6-7 year old son for a ride around the harbor. She offered 5.00 and promised he would be good. $5.00? :roll:
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Re: Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by Veebyes2 »

I started my Charter/ sightseeing business in 1988 using my, at the time Albin 27AC. I had one guy charter me for an afternoon just to have a ride on a A 27AC & to pick an unbiased brain on the boat.

Lucky him. It was a somewhat windy day so he got to see what the boat was like in a bit of a rough sea. Well worth the charter price as far as he was concerned.

Bryan, there must be a bunch of 27s around LI Sound. If no luck here, check out the Albin group on Yahoo. A bunch of 27 & 25 fanatics there. Somebody must be in your area.
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Re: Thoughts on Chartering? Charter link!

Post by aspear »

Here is a link to a company in Key West, Florida who is renting an Albin 25 Aft Cabin. While this is not exactly the same as the Albin 27 Aft Cabin, it would give you a taste for what it is like. Link: http://www.keysboat.com/boats/25_albin.htm

Andy Spear
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Re: Thoughts on Chartering?

Post by Capt Ram1 »

I would rent mine out to you with a decent deposit that was refundable ,I have the 27 in Palm Beach Fl - Depending on when you wanted it of corse-
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