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Trasnporting a 36 ET

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Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Brandy1937 »

By Brandy
I'm fairly sure I know the answer to my question before I ask it.( Being a past truck driver.) In trucking a 36ET will the fly bridge have to be removed for height
clearance ?
Number one,how difficult is it to remove it and more importantly can it be reinstalled without a lot of hassel????? I know it will depend on the yard that does it.
I'm so use to doing everything my self and I'm pretty picky about neatness
Am negociating on one as we speak but it's only in the beginning stage.
Any info would be greatly appreciately.
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Veebyes2 »

Welcome to the group.

Removing the fly bridge & cockpit top is a guarantee. My half tower top had to be removed to truck my A32. It is much lower than the 36 & we still had challenges to be under the, I think 15', air draft on the lowboy.

It is done. Those 36s on the left coast did not get there on their own bottoms.
1996 A32 'S' Type

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34' 5th wheel trailer
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Boatmon »


This is a great community and resource as well as good entertainment!

While I'm not sure of the dimensions of the 36 ET, I can tell you that the bridge removal on a 36 Classic is a must. We had ours trucked from Naples FL to Michigan, and no one that I talked to would even consider the move with the bridge in place. As it was we needed an escort car because of the wide load, which almost doubled the price....
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Brandy1937 »

Boatmon wrote:Welcome,

This is a great community and resource as well as good entertainment!

While I'm not sure of the dimensions of the 36 ET, I can tell you that the bridge removal on a 36 Classic is a must. We had ours trucked from Naples FL to Michigan, and no one that I talked to would even consider the move with the bridge in place. As it was we needed an escort car because of the wide load, which almost doubled the price....
The Lass restoration 196 (1).jpg

Thanks Boatman

I was almost sure that the bridge would have to be removed . It was more of a "hope" than anything. I've been around trucking for a long time and I am 99% sure it will have to be removed. The other issue is the over width. I'm not sure what the max width is before you have to have a pilot car. Some over width loads can be hauled without pilot cars. And some states require a pilot in both front and rear. No matter what I know it is going to be " very expensive." Mabe too expensive.
I am going to get some quotes before I buy the boat . It would be a terrible mistake to buy the boat and find out I couldn't afford to ship it.
By the way, do you remember the width of your boat?

Thanks & best regards

Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Boatmon »

The A36's are right at 36' long (35'9??) and 13'2" beam. We paid for a pilot car from MI to FL and back to MI. I think only two states required two cars. Yes it's expensive but if it's what's you want it's worth it.
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Veebyes2 »

12 '6" beam for my 32. No escort needed for that width MD, DE & NJ.

You can't run it on its own bottom? The trip would be one heck of an experience. What would be the difference in price trucking to running. Have to factor bridge removal & replacement for the trucking & possible loss of income while running it yourself. Perhaps run it in stages.

Where does it have to go? West coast? Oh well, no choice.
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Mariner »

On a proper trailer, depending on the route, you should only need to remove the windscreen, radar mast, and flybridge railings. It will still be over-height for a lot of overpasses, but that's what chase vehicles are for.
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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Brandy1937 »

Mariner wrote:On a proper trailer, depending on the route, you should only need to remove the windscreen, radar mast, and flybridge railings. It will still be over-height for a lot of overpasses, but that's what chase vehicles are for.

By Brandy
Good morning Mariner
Good to hear from you. I chatted with another person that did exactly what you described to transport his 36ET from Fl to Tenn. However his boat had twins and the single has a deeper keel. Perhaps the deeper keel, which is all the way aft, might not have any bearing on the foreward portion of the boat. Removing the wind screen is nothing and on this paticular boat the mast is hinged.
Did you buy your boat in the west or have it trucked ?
I know exactly where Gig Harbor is. Use to be one of my destenations for lunch as I use to live almost straight across from it. I love the sound and the NW. I moved to FL for several reaasons,one of which was the weather. But there is no comparison in boating. Yes it's cold and wet a great time there but if you"re warm and dry,say like in a 36TE,
It is close to heaven there. I only spent a couple of years there,up from OR,and if I can get this all worked out, thats where I'll have the boat shipped. That boat was designed for
the NW. I've spent most of my life in the NW and Alaska and you can understand my love for this particular boat.

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Re: Trasnporting a 36 ET

Post by Mariner »

We bought the boat, used, in Sausolito, CA. We had it trucked from Vallejo to Tacoma. It has the single and the deep keel. They simply loaded it bow-down on the trailer. They still had to remove the mast becuase, even folded down, with the stern sitting higher, it was too tall. But, you're right, it's very simple to remvove.

The harder part was the railings. They're attached in an unconventional way and are bedded with 5200 or something similar. There was some gelcoat damage that had to be repaired. Minor, but needed repair nonetheless.
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